Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Standard doors

are still manufactured primarily in imperial sizes.
The manufacturers claim that this is because of demands by the
building trade. There is also a need for replacement doors in
older properties and the apparently odd size 2’8”  6’8” is still
produced for this reason. There is more demand for metric sizes
for large scale building projects but the choice is still limited.
Unless a large quantity of doors is ordered, standard sized doors
are still significantly cheaper than specials.
Because of the need to accommodate wheelchair users, wider
doors are now more in demand. An 800 mm clear opening is
considered the absolute minimum for a wheelchair user. Sixty
mm should be deducted from the actual door width to arrive
at the clear opening size. This dimension takes into account
the thickness of the door and hinges standing open at one
side and the rebate or stop on the other side.

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